What is Computer Language ? The language which is used to communicate with computers is called Programming language. Through this, the Programming language we can give instructions to computers to perform some specific tasks. In this article, let us see about programming languages and the types of programming languages.
What is a Programming ? Programming languages are used to communicate with computers. When we learn programming languages we can communicate with computers. The programming language contains a set of symbols and rules to instruct a computer to do some specific task. Programming language means writing programs with a set of symbols and instructions. Programs contain a set of symbols and some instructions. Programs are also called coding. Through the programs, we can give certain tasks to the computer. Programs cannot be directly executed by the computer. To execute the programs we need special programs called Compilers or Interpreters. Now there are many types of programming languages that are used to communicate with computers. Let us, briefly discuss the main classifications of programming language.
Types of Programming languages
The main classifications of programming languages are given below ;
- Low-level language
- High-level language
1. Low-level language
The low-level language programs are written using the sequence of bits 0's and 1's. They are further classified into two.
- Machine language
- Assembly language
Machine language
What is Machine Language ? The language that computers can understand is called Machine language. Machine language is the first generation language of the computer. The programs in machine language are written using a sequence of binary digits 0s and 1s. This is the only language directly understandable by the CPU. This language does not need a compiler or interpreter. It is difficult to write a program in machine language.
Assembly language
What is Assembly Language ? In assembly language, the binary operation code [ 0's, 1's ] in machine language is all replaced with symbolic operation code. Assembly language is a symbolic representation of machine language. Assembly language is equivalent to machine language. To execute programs in assembly language you need to translate the assembly language programs into machine language programs. This is done with the help of the program called Assembler.
What is an Assembler ? An assembler is a set of programs that translates the assembly language into machine language then the computer can understand the machine language and run the program.
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Compare to machine language, assembly language can easily understand but, assembly language is also hard to learn because assembly language programs on machine dependent. The execution time of assembly language is more because the assembler is needed to convert the program written in assembly language into machine language.
Example of Assembly Languages ;
LOAD AX, 1010
STORE AX, 1010
2. High level languages
What are High-level languages ? High-level languages are languages that can easily be read, written, and understood. Programs written in a high-level language are human-readable. The high-level language contains simple English words and symbols So, so it is easy to learn it.
High-level languages cannot be executed directly into the computer. For translating, the programs written in a high-level language into machine languages we need the help of programs called interpreters or compilers.
What is a Compiler ? A compiler is a special program that translates high-level language into machine language. The compiler reads the whole program written in a high-level language and then translates it into machine language if any error is found in the program it will display an error message on the screen.
What is an Interpreter ? The function of the interpreter is the same as the compiler. The interpreter translates the high-level language into machine language in line by line manner. So if any error is found while writing the program immediately it will display on the screen by checking the program line by line.
The high-level languages for classified into different types ;
- Interpreted programming language ( Example: Pascal, Python )
- Functional programming language ( Example: Clean, Haskell )
- Compiled programming language ( Example: Java, C, C++ )
- Procedural programming language ( Example: Hyper talk, MATLAB )
- Scripting language ( Example: Apple Script, VB Script )
- Markup language ( Example: HTML, XML )
- Concurrent programming language ( Example: Limbo, Joule )
- Object-oriented programming language ( Example: Lava, Moto )
- Monolithic programming language ( Example: Basic, COBOL )
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