7 Worst Games of the Year

7 Worst Games of the Year

In 2021, many game releases were pushed back to the next year due to the pandemic. Perhaps the authors of the projects listed below should have followed their example - even if the developers have already known games with high ratings from the press behind them, they are not immune to failure.

Battlefield 2042

Even the intriguing trailers didn't save Battlefield 2042. The developers abandoned the single-player game in favor of multiplayer battles with plot elements on huge maps. And this approach at first seemed tempting because of its novelty.

However, the beta test has already raised concerns - the new part began to be compared with Cyberpunk 2077.

Server errors, a lot of bugs. There were reviews that evaluated the game extremely negatively.

Players followed suit by placing units on Metacritic, one of the main aggregators for evaluating projects in the gaming industry.

The cards were really huge but artificially bloated and empty. A new system of weather conditions with simulated cataclysms like tornadoes - an ornament that has almost no effect on the gameplay. And extremely annoying after a few battles in multiplayer.

The developers hastily fixed the problems with the help of patches, but the general negative background remained. Optimization problems have not gone away either.

The failure led to a staff reshuffle at the development studio DICE. The series will now be developed by Vince Zampella, a former Infinity Ward employee and founder of Respawn Entertainment.

Call of Duty: Vanguard

Call of Duty: Vanguard was hated because of self-reruns. By the 18th game in the series, gamers wanted something more than flat heroes, a boring plot, and an abundance of bugs.

The game had a lot of positive reviews - it's still an eminent series. In addition, many are accustomed to the fact that the shooter does not change much from year to year.

But this time, gamers reacted to the project more negatively. The new gameplay mechanics were just for show and did not affect the shooter in any way.

Vanguard's plot was considered boring and predictable. Despite the idea of ​​assembling a team of war heroes from different regions with a unique skill for each, the ending turned out to be commonplace.

The abundance of bugs in the storyline campaign can be explained by the fact that five studios worked on the game at once to meet the release deadlines.

But questions about pre-rendered videos still remain. This looks strange in an era when there are practically no downloads, and all cutscenes are created on the game engine. This Vanguard is reminiscent of projects from the times of the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.

GTA: The Trilogy - The Definitive Edition

GTA: The Trilogy - The Definitive Edition has been dubbed a "wasted" remaster. The poor quality of the reissue came as a surprise to Grand Theft Auto fans. Rockstar Games is accustomed to expecting outstanding product quality. Moreover, when it comes to a remaster of the cult trilogy.

In the end, the Definitive Edition turned out to be raw. Bugs, cut mechanics, and a limited number of songs on radio stations ( the latter can theoretically be explained by the complexity of licenses ).

Screenshots with strange graphics, to put it mildly, of each of the three re-releases were scattered across social networks.

The ridiculous faces of characters and locations have become a meme on their own, without any signatures. Rockstar removed the original versions of the games on all platforms from sale before the release, which further angered gamers.

Users brought down the project's rating on Metacritic to 0.5 out of 10. Performance problems plagued the release on all platforms - from PC to Nintendo Switch (especially in its portable mode).

The remasters were developed by Grove Street Games, which ported Bully and GTA games to mobile platforms. Rockstar has publicly apologized and released several patches, but so far the project is still in a deplorable state.


Biomutant can be called game-weariness. Announced back in 2017, the open-world action RPG was, according to the developers, a dream project.

However, in reality, the game about a post-apocalypse with anthropomorphic animals on a large map turned out to be empty and not captivating in any way. The plot was lengthy and annoying at times. The side quests weren't much different either. The development system of the main character was unsuccessful - it did not particularly affect either the appearance or the gameplay.

After the game, the strange decision of the developers to repeat not only gameplay situations but also cutscenes with dialogues remains in the memory. The same character will say the same lines over and over again. Soon you learn them by heart, like a poem.

Despite a good picture and a successful crafting system, you get tired of the game after a few hours.

Werewolf: The Apocalypse—Earthblood

Werewolf: The Apocalypse - Earthblood starts off briskly. The developers promised action with RPG elements, but in the end, it turned out to be a slasher.

Only now there is every reason to believe that the project was ready at the dawn of the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, and since then just waiting in the wings.

This inconspicuous and simple game is similar to Nihilistic Software's Conan and Ubisoft's Beowulf. And they came out in 2007.

A spectacular and dynamic combat system saves the project in the first hour and a half. However, then it becomes clear that this is not enough to play further.

A pseudo-open world, a simple plot, and absolutely no artificial intelligence of opponents are three more arguments in favor of the fact that such a project should not be released in 2021.

Balan Wonderworld

Balan Wonderworld has been awaited since this colorful platform game was created by the former developers of Sonic Team. It was they who were the authors of the old games about the blue hedgehog Sonic. But in the development process, apparently, something went wrong.

Outdated game design and boring levels did not live up to promises.

The idea of ​​costumes giving weapons and health was rather annoying while playing.

The project received mixed reviews. The publisher was Square Enix, which gave the team only one chance to succeed with the platformer. So after a flood of poor reviews, Balan Wonderworld game director Yuji Naka left Square Enix. Now he works in his own studio called Prope.

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